Kyle Nazario

Svelte 5 will have derived runes with callbacks

Svelte 5 will have derived runes with callbacks

Google ImageFX - "Impressionist painting of a dog wearing an orange cape writing in the library. The dog looks happy."

I previously wrote runes in Svelte 5 needed improvement. One limitation I mentioned was that the $derived() rune accepted only expressions that evaluate to a value.

This is fine for short pieces of logic, but painful for calculating derived state with multiple steps. There’s no way to split it up without using more than one $derived variable.

Well, good news! The Svelte team agrees and has added $ It accepts a callback function and runs it whenever a rune inside changes.

let someBitOfComplicatedDerivedState = $ => {
  // ... imagine a 20-line anonymous callback here

I’m happy the Svelte team made this change. I think it’ll make runes much easier to use for two reasons.

  1. It lets users avoid writing immediately invoked function expressions, which are ugly and verbose.
let someBitOfComplicatedDerivedState = $derived(
  (() => {
    // ... imagine a 20-line anonymous callback here
  1. It lets users avoid writing a separate named function to handle the $derived() logic, which is also unnecessarily verbose.
function calculateDerivedState() {
  // ... imagine a 20-line anonymous callback here

let someBitOfComplicatedDerivedState = $derived(calculateDerivedState());

$ will help us write less code, which is whole reason I like Svelte. I appreciate the team listening to the community and adding this feature.